These General Terms and Conditions of Business are issued by Yelyzaveta Pokladii, ID No. 18006728, with registered office at Příčná 1892/4, Prague 11000, registered in the Commercial Register under No. 025732/2023, for the provision of the service called “InTempo”.
1.1 The Operator manages and operates the InTempo service through (i) the website, (ii) the Microsoft Teams application, (iii) telephone or SMS communication at the telephone numbers listed on the Web portal (i.e., (iv) electronic mail (e-mail).
1.2. These GTC govern the rights and obligations of the Operator and the Customers who use the Services, as well as other legal relationships related thereto.
1.3. The Customer may only be a person who meets the conditions under Article 2 of these GTC, who registers to use the Services in accordance with these GTC.
1.4. By registering to use the InTempo Services, the Customer confirms that he/she has read these GTC and agrees to their wording.
1.5. Unless otherwise expressly stated by the Operator in a particular case, the terms used herein shall have the following meanings in these GTC, in the Framework Agreement, in the Contract or in the communication between the parties:
1.5.1. “GDPR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation);
1.5.2. “Hour Pool” means the remaining number of unused hours of Services provided to the Customer when using the Operator’s pre-paid Service packages associated with a flat rate subscription within the meaning of paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of the GTC;
1.5.3. “Civil Code” means Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code of Czech Republic, as amended;
1.5.4. “Order” means an order for the Services by accepting a Specification (offer) pursuant to paragraph 2.7 of the GTC;
1.5.5. “Instruction” means an instruction from the Customer within the meaning of paragraph 2.7 of the GTC;
1.5.6. “Authorised Person” means the person authorised to act for the Customer in accordance with the Registration and the relevant User Account settings in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the GTC;
1.5.7. “Operator” means the Company. Yelyzaveta Pokladii, ID No. 18006728, with registered office at Příčná 1892/4, Prague 11000, registered in the Commercial Register No. 025732/2023, which issues these GTC and operates the Service;
1.5.8. “Framework Agreement” means the framework agreement for the provision of Services within the meaning of paragraph 2.6 of the GTC, which is concluded between the Operator and the Customer by the Customer’s Registration pursuant to paragraph 2.2 of the GTC;
1.5.9. “Contract” means a partial contract concluded between the Customer and the Operator as a result of placing an Order, i.e. accepting the Specification (offer) pursuant to paragraph 2.7 of the GTC;
1.5.10. “Service” or “Services” means the InTempo Service within the meaning of Article 2 of the GTC;
1.5.11. “Specification” means a written proposal containing a concrete specification of the Operator’s understanding of the meaning of the Order, the possible delivery date and price of the Service so defined, as well as other details, which constitutes an offer to conclude the Contract within the meaning of paragraph 2.7 of the GTC;
1.5.12. “GTC” means these General Terms and Conditions;
1.5.13. “Web portal” means the user interface on the website
1.5.14. “Customer” means a person registered within the meaning of paragraph 2.2 of the GTC, with whom the Framework Agreement is concluded pursuant to paragraph 2.6 of the GTC;
1.5.15. “GDPR No. 110/2019 Coll.” means Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the Processing of Personal Data, as the national implementing regulation of the GDPR in Czech Republic;
2.1. Services. InTempo refers to the set of sub-services provided by the Operator. The Services consist of taking care of your needs, including the provision (brokering) of goods or services. The Operator always acts on the basis of the Customer’s instruction (Order). In the case of procurement of goods or services from third parties, the Operator acts on behalf and on behalf of the Customer in accordance with paragraph 2.4 of the GTC. The Service may typically (according to the relevant Order and Specification) be provided in the following areas and with the following content, including combinations thereof and including related activities:
Module A: Administrative and executive activities:
- Schedule management
- Managing inbox, handling emails
- Processing invoices
- Data entry, data management
- Editing or formatting documents
- Booking appointments, accommodation and travel
- Help with to-do lists
- Office support
- Transcribing audio or video
- Email and telephone communication with your clients
Module B: Sales and Customer Support
- General administration related to the sale
- B2C or B2B lead generation, lead qualification
- Outbound call services
- Keeping CRM or database up to date
- Placing orders and creating invoices
- Email/telephone support
- Chat customer service
- Virtual receptionist service
Module C: Marketing and social media
- Email marketing, email campaigns
- Newsletter management
- Simple website updates
- Social media posts
- Article research
- Content writing and preparation
- Searching for content ideas
- CRM management
- Website SEO
2.2. Professional Services. The Services within InTempo are not professional services; the Operator does not act as an expert in providing the Services and does not claim any qualification, expertise or affiliation to a particular profession or condition (within the meaning of Section 5 of the Civil Code). If the Customer requires the provision of a Service for which a certain qualification, expertise or affiliation to a certain profession or condition is required, the Customer is obliged to indicate this fact in its Order. In such case, the Operator shall confirm whether it agrees to provide the Service to the required quality or whether it refuses to provide the Service to the required extent or quality; the Operator may also propose to the Customer in the Specification the provision of relevant professional services by a third party.
2.3. Arranging the purchase of goods or services of third parties. If part of the Service provided is the purchase of goods or services from a third party, the Operator acts as an intermediary, only arranging the conclusion of the relevant contract on behalf and on behalf of the Customer, possibly including the transport of the relevant goods from the third party and/or payment for the goods or services provided by the third party. In particular, the Operator is not the manufacturer, seller, distributor or provider of the specified third party goods or services which are procured for the Customer in this way. The third party who provides the goods or services to the Customer is always responsible for the goods or services supplied and their quality. In such cases, the Operator is not a party to any legal relationship between the Customer and the third party and makes no warranties or guarantees with respect to the supply of goods or services so procured from the third party.
2.4. Method of providing the Services. The Operator provides the Services through its employees, partners or collaborators. The Operator is entitled to entrust the procurement of the Customer’s matter, or part thereof, to a third party, to which the Customer agrees.
2.5. Framework Agreement. By registering the Customer to the InTempo Service and expressing consent to these GTC according to paragraph 2.2 of these GTC, the Customer and the Operator conclude a framework agreement for the provision of Services in the relevant scope. By registering, a User Account is also established for the Customer. The Operator then provides the Customer with individual performances within the framework of the Services provided under the Framework Agreement on the basis of the Customer’s Instructions (or Orders). Each Customer may have only one Framework Contract concluded with the Operator at a time; in the event of a conflict, the Framework Contract, the conclusion of which follows the preceding Framework Contract in time, constitutes an agreement on a complete change in the content of the obligation within the meaning of Section 1902 of the Civil Code and replaces the preceding Framework Contract in its entirety. The Operator shall send the Customer a confirmation e-mail about the conclusion of the Framework Agreement.
2.6. Instruction, Specification, Order and Contract. The Customer may instruct the Operator by any of the methods set out in paragraph 1.1 of the GTC. The Customer’s instruction must include at least: (i) the specification of the requested performance under the Service; (ii) the requested delivery date; (iii) the place of delivery of the Goods or provision of the Service, if this is part of the requested performance; (iv) the details of the Customer’s contact person, if this is a person other than the Customer’s primary Authorised Person according to the Customer’s profile on the Web Portal. If the Customer’s instruction is not sufficiently clear or complete to create the Specification, the Operator shall invite the Customer to clarify it before creating the Specification. The Customer’s instruction may be made by any of the methods referred to in paragraph 1.1 of the GTC and in accordance with the procedure set out in this article of the GTC. On the basis of the received Instruction, and its possible clarification, the Operator shall create a Specification, i.e. a written proposal containing a specified specification of the Operator’s notified meaning of the Instruction, the possible delivery date and price of the Service so defined, as well as other details. This Specification will be sent by the Operator to the Customer via the Web Portal and/or via the electronic mail (e-mail) address indicated by the Customer for this purpose during registration. The Specification may differ from the Customer’s Order, in particular if it is not possible to deliver the Service in the manner or within the timeframe specified in the original Order; the Operator is not obliged to notify the Customer of such deviations. The Specification always includes the price of the Service according to Article 3 of the GTC, or the range of hours consumed, which will be deducted from the Customer’s Hour Pool, if used, within the meaning of Article 3 of the GTC. The Specification constitutes a proposal for conclusion of the Contract (offer) according to the scope, delivery date and price of the Services provided by the Operator to the Customer as specified therein. By accepting the Specification through the web form of the Web Portal or according to the instructions contained in the e-mail message with the Specification, the Operator’s offer to conclude the Contract is accepted by the Customer, the Order for Services is made in the relevant scope and a partial Contract for the provision of Services between the Operator and the Customer is concluded; the Specification is an integral part of the Contract and determines the scope, price and term of the Services provided under the Contract. If the Customer agrees to the Specification only partially, with respect to only a part of it, or with any reservation or proposal for change, it is not an acceptance of the Operator’s offer, but a new Instruction to which the Operator may respond with a new Specification (offer to conclude the Contract); only a full and unconditional acceptance of the offer according to the Specification results in the conclusion of the Contract.
2.7. Cancellation of an Instruction or Order. The Customer is entitled to cancel an order at any time before the acceptance of the Specification (conclusion of the Contract) without the Operator’s claim for payment of the price or costs according to Article 3 of the GTC. The Customer is entitled to cancel an Order already placed and thus terminate the relevant Contract without notice. If the Customer cancels an Order made at a time before the Operator starts to take care of the Customer’s business, the Customer shall not be obliged to pay the price of the Service under the Contract or the costs incurred. If the Customer does so at a time when the Operator has already commenced the Customer’s business, the Customer shall be obliged to pay the Operator the price of the Service provided and reimbursement of costs incurred in accordance with the rules set out in Article 3; the Operator shall notify the Customer of this and inform the Customer of the resulting price and reimbursement of costs. If the Customer has already made payment for the Service via the payment gateway on the Web Portal or otherwise prior to cancellation of the Order and as a result of cancellation of the Order the Customer is entitled to a refund of part of the amount so paid, the Operator shall refund the amount in the corresponding amount to the Customer’s account, no later than 14 days after the payment has been credited to the Operator’s account.
2.8. Location and language of the Services. The Services are provided in the territory and at the times as indicated on the Services Web Portal. The Services are provided in Czech or English unless otherwise agreed.
2.9. Entrusted items. The Operator does not provide property management services within the meaning of Section 1400 et seq. of the Civil Code, custody services within the meaning of Section 2402 et seq. of the Civil Code, or storage services within the meaning of Section 2415 et seq. of the Civil Code. The Operator does not provide property management services within the Services; therefore, it is not possible to entrust the Operator with immovable property for the purpose of providing the Services. The Operator shall not take over any of the Customer’s belongings from the Customer within the framework of the provision of the Services, unless otherwise agreed in a particular case; if the Customer hands over any belongings to the Operator voluntarily in the absence of such other agreement, the Operator shall not be liable for any damage caused to them.
2.10. Refusal of Service. The Operator is entitled at any time to refuse to provide the Service according to the Customer’s instruction and to modify the Specification to the relevant extent compared to the Customer’s original instruction, or not to submit the Specification at all, even without giving any reason. The Operator is also entitled to terminate the Framework Agreement or the Contract at any time under the terms of Article 6 of the GTC, even without giving any reason. In particular, the Operator shall refuse to provide the Service and/or terminate the Framework Agreement or the Contract if the instruction from the Customer contains or requires, even indirectly or potentially, an action that is contrary to law, is immoral, shows signs of fraudulent behaviour or is otherwise inappropriate (e.g. The provision of alcohol or other addictive or psychotropic substances to children and minors, procurement of illegal drugs or other similar substances, any form of coercion or violence, request for the preparation of any thesis or other qualifying work, etc.); the assessment is entirely up to the Operator and the Operator is not obliged to state the reason for refusal to provide the Service.
2.11. Use of GTC; Interpretive Rule. These GTC are an integral part of each Framework Agreement and each Contract; in the event of a conflict between the wording of the GTC, the Framework Agreement and/or the Contract, the following order of precedence in interpretation shall apply: 1. the wording of the Contract, 2. the wording of the Framework Agreement, 3. the wording of the GTC.
3.1. Price. The Services are provided by the Operator for a fee, at the price of the Services under the Agreement in accordance with the Framework Agreement. The Price is determined according to the time spent on the Customer’s affairs. Arrangements for invoicing and payment of the Price in a foreign currency may be made if the Customer so specifies in the Order and is agreed by the Operator. The Operator and the Customer may agree in the Framework Agreement to any of the following pricing plans for the provision of the Services:
A. Plan „Lite“
Subscription price: 5 700 CZK/month; 230 EUR/month
Content of the Hourly Fund within the subscription: 10 hours of work / month (corresponds to an hourly rate of 570 CZK/hour; 23 EUR/hour)
B. Plan „Standard“
Subscription price: 15 600 CZK/month; 630 EUR/month
Hourly content of the subscription: 30 hours of work/month (equivalent to an hourly rate of 520 CZK/hour; 21 EUR/hour)
C. Plan „Maxi“
Subscription price: 23 500 CZK / month; 950 EUR/month
Hourly content of the subscription: 50 hours of work / month (equivalent to an hourly rate of 470 CZK/hour; 19 EUR/hour)
D. Plan „Custom“
In case of Customer’s request to create a subscription for more than 50 hours / month in the Hour Pool, the Operator may offer the Customer an individual subscription price list according to the Framework Agreement with respect to the required number of hours in the Hour Pool.
3.2. Subscription Services and Hour Pool. In the case that the Customer uses subscription packages of Services within the meaning of clauses 3.1 (B) to (E) of the GTC, the Operator will indicate to the Customer within the Specification, instead of offering the end price of the relevant Service, the amount of hours consumed by the Service offered from the Customer’s Hour Pool. Upon acceptance of the Specification in accordance with Article 2 of the GTC, the relevant number of hours from the Hour Pool shall be deemed to have been consumed and the Customer’s Hour Pool shall be reduced to the relevant extent. If the Customer’s Hour Pool is insufficient to cover the required scope of the Service according to the Customer’s Instruction, the Operator shall inform the Customer within the Specification to what extent the Service will be paid for by deducting the approx. number of hours from the Hour Pool and to what extent it will be charged according to the basic hourly rate pursuant to paragraph 3.1 (A) of the GTC; with respect to the part of the Service whose price will be paid according to the rules in paragraph 3.4 of the GTC.
3.3. Unused hours. In the event that the Service is not used in full according to the Specification, the remaining hours will be added to the Customer’s Hour Pool. The unused hours according to the Hour Pool in the case of use of pre-paid Service packages within the meaning of paragraph 3.1 (B) to (E) of the GTC shall be transferred to the following month of subscription; this shall not affect the price of the corresponding pre-paid package for the following month according to the specified pricing plan.
3.4. Costs associated with the provision of the Services. In the event that the Services provided under the Contract include the procurement of any third-party performance that is associated with the cost of its procurement (typically the price of goods or services of a third party, the purchase of which the Operator arranges for the Customer, the cost of transport, administrative or other fees incurred by the Operator in the Customer’s affairs, etc.), these costs are not part of the price of the Services and the Operator is entitled to their full reimbursement by the Customer in addition to the price for the Services under the Contract. Where possible at the time of preparing the Specification, the Operator shall quantify such costs in the Specification. In the event of costs not specified in the Specification or incurred for reasons other than the Operator’s fault, in the course of performance of the Service for the Customer under the Contract, exceeding CZK 500 / EUR 20, the Operator shall notify the Customer thereof without undue delay; if the Customer refuses to pay such costs, the Operator may refuse further performance of the Service and terminate the Contract pursuant to Article 6 of the GTC.
3.5. Payments. The price of the monthly subscription will be charged to the Customer on a monthly basis, at the Customer’s option, by regular invoicing and with the obligation to pay the amount due by cashless payment on the due date or by credit card using the payment gateway on the Web Portal through regular blocking of payments from the Customer’s account. The first payment of the subscription fee will be due immediately after the conclusion of the Framework Contract with the content of the subscription, subsequent payments will be charged each month of the subscription term according to the Framework Contract until the end of the subscription term. The Framework Contract with the content of the subscription in question.
3.6. Tax receipt. For each payment or without undue delay after receipt of the payment through the payment gateway, the Operator shall send the Customer a proper tax receipt (invoice) in electronic form to the e-mail address provided for this purpose in the Customer’s profile on the Web Portal and/or in the Service. The Customer hereby agrees to receive only an electronic tax document (invoice) for the Services provided. If the Service provided includes the mediation of any third-party performance (in particular, the procurement of the supply of goods or services) and a tax or other document is issued in the context of the procurement of such third-party performance for the Customer, the Operator shall make such document available to the Customer as part of the billing for the Service provided; the third-party tax document is also proof of the costs incurred pursuant to paragraph 3.4 of the GTC.
3.7. The Customer acknowledges that in the case of communication with the Operator via the Internet, SMS, telephone or otherwise, the Customer may be obliged to pay fees to the provider of the relevant communication service according to the Customer’s current contract (tariff) with the provider of such service.
4.1. By accepting these GTC, the Customer declares and undertakes that:
4.1.1. meets the conditions according to 2.2., in particular that it is an entrepreneur and uses the Services within the scope of its business and not as a consumer within the meaning of § 419 of the Civil Code;
4.1.2. the persons authorised by him/her to act on his/her behalf in relation to the Operator when using the Services are of full legal capacity, over 18 years of age, and duly authorised to act for the Customer;
4.1.3. has thoroughly familiarised himself/herself with the wording of these GTC before acceptance, understands their content and agrees with them without reservation;
4.1.4. not use the Services in a manner or for a purpose that would be unlawful, immoral, fraudulent or otherwise inappropriate;
4.1.5. shall not use tools, software or technical equipment, mechanisms or other procedures and methods that could negatively affect the functioning and operation of the Web portal or the provision of the Services; in particular, the use of procedures such as web scraping, the use of web crawlers (except for procedures so used by publicly available search engines), decompiling, etc. is prohibited, sending unsolicited or harassing messages (SPAM, etc.), purposefully overloading the Operator’s system by sending excessive amounts of messages or requests, and other similar programs or activities;
4.1.6. will not use the Services or the Web Portal in a manner that infringes or restricts the rights of third parties;
4.1.7. is the owner or other person authorised to handle the payment card and funds in the relevant bank account, which he/she has designated to the Operator for the purpose of using the Services or the Web Portal;
4.2. All content of the Web Portal, including texts, graphical user interface, photographs, images, software solutions, etc., are subject to copyright or other intellectual property rights in accordance with applicable regulations. The Customer undertakes not to carry out any activity that could lead to infringement of the rights of the Operator or third parties entitled to such intellectual property (in particular by copying, unauthorised distribution, interference with the source code, etc.).
4.3. The Customer shall be liable for any damage caused by his/her actions to the Operator or third parties.
4.4. The Customer acknowledges that when using the Web Portal, the Customer may be redirected to a website operated by a third party, e.g. a payment gateway, etc. The Operator is not responsible for the content of these third-party websites, nor for any damage to the Customer due to their defects or malfunction.
5.1. For rights arising from defective performance, the statutory regulation under the Civil Code applies, excluding provisions to protect the consumer or other weaker party.
5.2. The Operator does not provide the Customer with any guarantees of quality of performance beyond the legal standard and does not make any representations or other warranties to the Customer in this regard.
5.3. The Customer shall be obliged to exercise the rights arising from defective performance provided within the scope of the provision of the Services without undue delay after becoming aware of the defect.
5.4. The Operator shall not be liable for damages caused by delayed delivery of the Service or any part thereof; delivery dates are always approximate and subject to change of circumstances.
6.1. The Operator is entitled to terminate the Framework Agreement and/or any Agreement at any time, for any reason or no reason. No notice period shall be agreed. As a rule, the Provider shall terminate the Contract in cases of refusal to provide the Service for the reasons set out in paragraph 2.11 of the GTC, and the Framework Agreement and/or any Contract for breach of the Customer’s obligations under the Framework Agreement, the Contract or the GTC, or if any statement made by the Customer proves to be incomplete, false or misleading.
6.2. The Customer is entitled to terminate the Framework Agreement and/or any Contract at any time, for any reason or no reason. No notice period is agreed.
6.3. The termination of the Agreement shall not affect the Operator’s claim for the unpaid price of the Services according to Article 3, which has already been claimed, nor the Operator’s claim for damages or other harm from the Customer. The value of the Hourly Fund or any other prepaid Service shall not be refunded in the event of termination of the Contract.
7.1. The Operator processes the Services to fulfil its rights and obligations under the contractual relationship with the Customer (i.e. to provide the Services), to fulfil its legal obligations, to protect the legitimate interests of the Operator, as well as to properly identify the Customer and the person acting for the Customer in relation to the Operator (including the Authorised Person). It is not necessary to obtain consent for such processing of personal data, however, the data subject shall have all rights related to the processing of his or her personal data.
7.2. The Operator will process the personal data of the Customer and persons acting for the Customer in relation to the Operator to the following extent:
- name and surname (including the Authorised Person)
- date of birth (including the Authorised Person)
- address of permanent residence (including the Authorised Person)
- address for service, if different from the permanent address (including the Authorised Person)
- credit card details (including the Authorised Person)
- email address (including the Authorised Person)
- telephone number (including the Authorised Person)
- other personal data as may be necessary for the proper performance of the InTempo Service, depending on the nature of the InTempo Service.
7.3. Personal data is processed and stored for as long as the Services are used and for a reasonable period thereafter. Personal Data is processed electronically, manually and by automated means. As part of the provision of the Services, the Operator may transfer Personal Data to its suppliers. However, there is no transfer of data outside the EU.
7.4. Marketing messages. If the Customer agrees to this upon registration, the Operator may also use the personal data listed below for the purpose of providing information about the Operator’s services (other than InTempo) and to send informational, commercial and/or marketing communications. The Operator will also use the provided personal data and Order history to analyse and evaluate behaviour in order to inform the Customer adequately about services that best match preferences. For this purpose, it will process personal data to the following extent:
- name and surname (including the Authorised Person)
- email address (including the Authorised Person)
- telephone number (including the Authorised Person).
7.5. For the processing of personal data for the above purpose, the Operator needs the free and voluntary consent of the individuals who provide the data. These may be either a business individual using the Services or an Authorised Person acting on behalf of the Customer. Failure to provide personal data or consent to its processing for the purpose of sending informational, commercial and/or marketing communications is not a condition for entering into any contractual relationship with the Operator or for the provision of the Services. If consent is not provided, no information communications will be sent as described above.
7.6. Rights of the data subject. In connection with the processing of personal data, every person whose data is processed by the Operator according to the above has the right to: (i) request access to, correction or deletion of personal data; (ii) request restriction of processing and exercise the right to portability of personal data; (iii) object to processing, lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, which for the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection, Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7,, E-mail:; (iv) withdraw consent to the processing of personal data pursuant to paragraphs 7.4 et seq.; withdrawal of consent must be made in writing by sending a notice to the Operator’s email address and withdrawal of consent will not affect the processing of personal data pursuant to paragraphs 7.1. to 7.3.
8.1. Change of GTC. The Operator is entitled to unilaterally change the wording of these GTC at any time and to any extent. The Operator is obliged to inform the Customer of such change in an appropriate manner, usually by publishing the new version of the GTC on the InTempo website or by sending an informational e-mail to the Customer’s e-mail address provided when registering for the InTempo service. The amendment of the GTC shall not affect the rights and obligations arising during the period of effectiveness of the previous version of the GTC. In case the Customer does not agree with the change of the GTC, the Customer has the right to terminate the Framework Agreement within 30 days from the date of the new version of the GTC; the termination is effective from the moment when the written notice of termination is delivered to the Operator.
8.2. Contact. Unless otherwise agreed under the Framework Agreement, the Contract or these GTC for specific situations, the Operator can always be contacted via the contact details published at
8.3. Effectiveness of the GTC. These GTC shall come into force and effect on 01.01.2024. The current valid and effective version of the GTC is always available at
In Prague, Czech Republic on 01.01.2024.
Yelyzaveta Pokladii, ID No. 18006728, with registered office at Příčná 1892/4, Prague 11000, registered in the Commercial Register under No. 025732/2023